Olde World artisan bread co.

Olde World artisan bread co.
I first learned to bake in an old-fashioned bagel bakery in New Jersey at age 14. The lure of the smell of fresh baked bread proved enough to get me up at 4 AM, so I guess bread is sort of in my genes. Later, while working overseas, I was introduced to authentic French, German and Italian breads. It’s amazing to visit a bakery with many dozens of bread specialties, each more enticing and delicious than the next. We missed these breads here in Atlanta, so I worked to recreate some of these specialties, first for ourselves, then later for friends and neighbors. Before I knew it, I was baking and selling at local farmers markets. The lure of the smell of fresh baked bread still gets me up at o-dark thirty…
Our artisan-crafted breads are truly old world style. They are hand made from only the finest ingredients. Slow, cold-fermentation brings out the intricate flavors of the grains; careful handling delivers a rustic texture while steam-hearth baking at high temperature delivers a superb crust.
We specialize in original recipe breads from France, Italy and Germany. Our assortment includes many whole-grain and multi-grain varieties, providing vitamins, minerals, high fiber and unsurpassed flavor.
Our signature bread, “Pain à l’Ancienne” is an authentic French baguette, crafted after a recipe from Philippe Gosselin, one of the most celebrated bakers in Paris. Fans claim it is simply addictive. Paired with your favorite cheese and wine, it makes a perfect finish to a long day.
Please ask about our other hand-crafted breads, special orders or catering for office or private parties.
We are happy to serve you and welcome your feedback and comments.
Please register on our Contacts Page to receive our newsletter with updates on new products, retail events and farmers markets schedules.
Thank you!
Thomas Sergio
Copyright © 2011 Olde World Artisan Bread Company
Special thanks to: Vicki Morris - Photographer --- Andrea Farmer - Webmaster